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Changing lives through the hope of the Gospel one person at a time

What to expect when you visit us...

Sundays at 10am at da Vinci Academy Elementary
in northern Colorado Springs

Let us not neglect meeting together... (Hebrews 10:25)

Sunday Service

We’re excited that you’re considering joining us! This is a great season to plug in, build relationships and grow in your faith.


When you arrive on Sunday morning at the top of the da Vince Academy steps, you’ll find a hearty welcome, coffee, tea and snacks in the foyer.  Continuing to the sanctuary, you’ll experience a service that holds God and worship in reverence.


If stairs are problematic, please park behind the school, on the northeast side, and enter through the hallway past the gym and music room.

More about what you can expect

Expositional Preaching

The message being taught is the message the Bible is teaching, not some guy's opinion. We prefer to teach through entire books of the Bible, so that, A) we don't skip the hard parts, and B) we take in all God has to say and bring it to bear on life, including on the difficult topics the world presents to us.

We believe that music is a God-ordained means of worshiping him, not a form of entertainment for us.  While we have some freedom with style and arrangement (hymns vs modern, etc), the emphasis must be on solid theological content. Because guess why? You will be singing those lyrics in your head all week.  So the words need to be good.

Reverent Worship

Sound Doctrine

We believe that right theology plays a vital role in the development of authentic faith. Theology simply means knowledge of God.  We need to know who Jesus is and why we love him in order to have a right relationship with him.  Sound doctrine forms the foundation for our love, praise and worship.

We believe the family that worships together is one that makes disciples where it matters first - in the home.  We seek to support families being together and to disciple parents to disciple their children.  To this end, children are integrated into service, worshiping alongside their parents.  We have them participate in weekly catechism aimed at instructing them in the basics of the faith in an interactive way. We provide kids an activity sheet and coloring page that follow along with the sermon so that their active minds can engage with the message while they worship alongside their families. We also seek to connect those without local families to the blessing brought by relationship with those in the family of faith.

Family Integrated Worship


We believe it best to celebrate the Lord’s Supper each week, as a reminder of Jesus blood that was poured out when He died so that we might be forgiven, of His subsequent resurrection and victory over sin and death and of the reality of His coming return.

On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of each month, we have Sunday School at 9am. Classes are available for Children (3-11 or so), Youth (12-18 or so) and Adult with teaching appropriate to each age.

Age-Specific Sunday School

Fellowship Meal

On the first Sunday of each month we have a fellowship meal following the service at the home of one our families. Main dish is provided. Sides are potluck. An informal discussion related to the sermon follows until about 2pm.


Our Values

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God delights in truth. We seek to please God by submitting to his true, perfect, and all sufficient word - the Bible.  We learn it, teach it, and live according to it. Not only that, we are to be people of truth, opposing lies, honest in our dealings, and standing for what is right.

What We Believe

Guided by the Bible as best we understand it, we at Covenant Grace believe in:

  •     Sovereignty of God

  •     Authority and Inerrancy of the Bible

  •     Power of Expository Preaching

  •     Effectiveness of Personal Evangelism

  •     Importance of Small Group Ministry

  •     Centrality of the Gospel in All We Do

  •     The Fulfillment of God’s Promises

  •     Mankind’s Desperate Need for Grace​


Covenant Grace is an Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) church. The EFCA exists to glorify God by multiplying transformational churches among all people. They are committed to Jesus Christ, to the gospel and to one another. As an association of churches that aligns itself around a Statement of Faith, EFCA churches are distinct, yet connected - independent, yet united.


Membership at Covenant Grace requires agreement with the Statement of Faith.  But of course you are welcome to attend even if your views are different.

More About Our Theology and Teaching position

Though we are united around the core truths of Biblical Christianity, we also have strong convictions on subjects that beyond the scope of our Statement of Faith. These constitute the teaching position of the church and all who join us are asked to live in harmony with them for the sake of unity.

it is a bunch of imperfect people being built-up as the body of Christ. They are like these stones, rough-around-the-edges and no two alike.  They are interwoven, depending  on one another, and at the center, Christ binds them together.
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10am Sundays

Da Vinci Academy

1335 Bridle Oaks Lane
Colorado Springs, CO 80921


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