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What we believe

At Covenant Grace we seek to draw each of our beliefs, values and resulting practices on the truths we find in the Bible.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our Lord will stand forever...

(Isaiah 40:8)

Our values

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God delights in truth. We seek to please God by submitting to his true, perfect, and all sufficient word - the Bible.  We learn it, teach it, and live according to it. Not only that, we are to be people of truth, opposing lies, honest in our dealings, and standing for what is right.

At Covenant Grace Church we believe in the:

  • Sovereignty of God 

  • Authority and Inerrancy of the Bible

  • Power of Expository Preaching

  • Effectiveness of Personal Evangelism

  • Importance of Small Group Ministry

  • Centrality of the Gospel in All We Do

  • The Fulfillment of God’s Promises

  • Mankind’s Desperate Need for Grace

Our beliefs fall into two categories: Essentials and Distinctives


Essentials define the core of our beliefs - those things we would die for.  As members of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) we unite around a Statement of Faith that summarizes the essential beliefs in true and Biblical Christianity. 

Our Statement of Faith is a summary of what we believe to be the Essential Beliefs of the Christian Faith.  You can find it at the link below.



Our distinctives are what make us uniquely Covenant Grace. Distinctives are less about making distinctions and more about being upfront about who you are.  In summary:

   We are Distinctively Baptist & Theologically Reformed 

If those words don't mean much to you, that's ok.  Though we are united around the core truths of Biblical Christianity, we also have strong convictions on subjects that are important but not worth breaking fellowship over.  Our distinctives constitute the teaching position of the church.  

You don't have to agree but you'll never doubt where we stand.


While we are united around the essential truths of Biblical Christianity, yet have strong convictions on subjects that are also important. 

Membership at Covenant Grace only requires agreement with the Statement of Faith (i.e. the essentials). However, our distinctives constitute the teaching position of the church and all who join us are asked to live in harmony with them for the sake of unity.

If you'd like to learn more, follow the link above.

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